I started out with one chorus when I first started at P.S. 261. Currently, due to high popularity, we now have two groups and have become one of the most popular performing groups in the school. Recently, I ran into a former chorus student who is now in high school and still singing and now performing serious works. She turned to her friend and introduced me as "Mr. O, my elementary music teacher...he's the one who got me into singing."
Any P.S. 261 student that is in the 4th or 5th grade is eligible to audition for a spot in Chorus. Students that were in Chorus the previous school year do not need to audition again; they are automatically in the group if they wish to return. Auditions take place in September; if your child is interested they should come see me to receive an audition form. When the form is returned and completed, we'll set up a time for the audition. Students do not need to prepare anything in advance, the audition consists of simple warm-ups on the piano and singing a simple song, such as "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" or "Happy Birthday" Due to limited space, not everyone who auditions makes it into the group. However, all who do audition are placed on a waiting list. If for some reason a spot opens up during the school year, someone will be chosen from the waiting list.